Passionate about helping you grow and make an impact!

Meet Mason

Originally from Salida, Colorado, Mason Peters is a financial analyst and a full-time trader who is committed to serving novice, intermediate, and advanced traders. His heart and mind are focused on the development of other individuals and their desire for more out of life.

Inspired by John C. Maxwell, a famous author, public speaker, and social influencer, Mason looks up to the impact he has made on the world and the everlasting knowledge that will be accessible for years to come. Mason loves hearing positive feedback, and it drives him to share his own knowledge and philosophy on money and how to acquire it. Hence, why he loves teaching so much! When it comes to trading, Mason provides education by breaking down complex ideas and explaining them in detail so that anyone can understand. To influence the lives of many, it is Mason's goal to create over one thousand successful traders!
When Mason isn't busy marking up charts, hosting Zoom calls, and answering questions, you can find him on the golf course or at the gym. He is always in a goofy mood and loves spontaneous activities. He enjoys good company and an exciting time.

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Whether you are aware of trading practices or not, I strive to share everything I know about the financial world. Join our community and expand your wisdom.

Build your confidence

Most humans lack the confidence to try new endeavors. One thing that makes our community different is that we believe in others more than they believe in themselves.

Expand your potential

"Capable of existing but not yet in existence. Choose the road less traveled; it makes all the difference. We believe that anything is possible."